Veterans of the Roman army – magistrates and priests in Lower Moesia

Алексей Мартемьянов


This article represents the attempt of forming the base of the epigraphic data on magistrates and priests of Lower Moesia from among retired military personnel living there.
There is an increased focus on the analysis of more than 20 inscriptions from towns and villages of this province – besides there are few among them which are still out of sight of specialists or deserve more attention for various reasons. According to the author, it can be assumed that the functionary duties in Lower Moesia were performed not by nearly 15, as is commonly believed, but not less than 20 veterans, known by inscriptions, and this number should be guided in determining the role of ex-warriors in the public life of this province in 2nd-3rd centuries BC.


epigraphy, veterans, Moesia Inferior, prosopography

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Date of publication: 2015-07-21 11:22:34
Date of submission: 2015-07-16 16:10:59


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