Changes in some chemical properties of saline-sodic soils over time as affected by organic residues: An incubation study

Mohsen Jalali, Maryam Saeedi Lotf, Faranak Ranjbar


Salinization and sodification of agricultural lands in arid and semi-arid regions of the world are two limiting factors in the crop production. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of readily available agricultural residues on changing some chemical properties of saline-sodic soils. Wheat, potato, sunflower, and canola residues were separately added into three saline-sodic soils at a rate of 2% by weight and thoroughly mixed with soils. Control and treated soils were incubated for 168 days at a constant moisture and temperature. The pH, electrical conductivity (EC), soluble cations, available nitrate (NO3-) and phosphorous (P), cation exchange capacity (CEC), and exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) were measured during the incubation. The EC increased in the response to the incorporation of plant residues, whereas the pH was reduced. The application of organic components in soils increased CEC and decreased ESP. The results showed that the maximum reduction in ESP was observed in the potato treatment because of the highest Ca2+ concentration. The average reduction in ESP of treated soil samples at the end of incubation followed this order: 16.1% (potato residue-treated soil) >12.7% (canola residue-treated soil) >11.1% (wheat residue-treated soil) >9.6% (sunflwer residue-treated soil). The potato residue was the most effective amendment in changing the chemical properties of saline-sodic soils in comparison with other organic residues. The results indicated that the application of organic residues had a positive impact on reducing the soil sodicity and improving the soil fertility depending on their chemical composition.


salinity; sodicity; agricultural residues; bioremediation; incubation

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Date of publication: 2020-06-22 04:37:58
Date of submission: 2018-10-25 18:32:26


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