Evaluation of the short-term effect of tillage practices on soil hydro-physical properties

Omid Bahmani


 Tillage is one of the most important practices that have a significant influence on the soil hydro-physical properties. In this study, the impact of the type and number of input variables with five different methods of the Retc model to predicting the moisture retention curve and soil water content in three surfaces tillage NT (No-tillage), CP (Chisel Plough) and MP (Moldboard Plough) and the impact of tillage systems on soil hydro-physical properties were evaluated. According to results, when the field capacity and wilting point moisture was added to input data in Retc to predict the moisture curve model parameters, the EF was increased in MP (0.977, 0.95) and CP (0.891, 0.86) treatments compare the NT (0.665, 0.608). The Mualem–Van Genuchten model can describe satisfactorily the simulation of soil physical properties. The S-index, which was also affected by tillage, was greater than 0.066 in all tillage treatments, indicating good soil physical quality. Results indicated that NT had the highest and lowest values of bulk density (1.55 Mgr.m-3) and total available water (TAW) (0.038 m.m-1), respectively, and the differences between NT and MP in total porosity was significant. Overall, in most soil layers, tillage practices affected the porosity and total available water in the order MP > CP > NT. Water retention curves indicated that the water retention capacity was greater in tilled than in no-tilled and saturated hydraulic conductivity values were greater in tilled treatments than in NT soil.


tillage, soil hydraulic properties, soil water retention

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/pjss.2019.52.1.43
Date of publication: 2019-05-29 07:01:42
Date of submission: 2018-05-05 20:33:06


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