Personalized Politics in Traditional and Social Media: The Case of the 2019 Finnish Parliamentary Elections

Laura Paatelainen, Elisa Kannasto, Pekka Isotalus


Personalization of politics is a well-established field of research, yet not much is known about how the phenomenon has been influenced by the increased use of social media as a tool for political communication. In this research we analyze media personalization in newspapers and on social media posts of parties and party leaders during the 2019 Finnish parliamentary elections. Combining quantitative and qualitative content analysis, we find that a) personalized content was more common in newspapers than on social media, and b) the contexts of personalized content were largely similar regardless of media type, suggesting it may be more relevant to speak of “hybrid media personalization” rather than “traditional media personalization” and “social media personalization”. These findings are linked to broader discussions on personalization of politics and the use of social media as a political communication tool.


political communication; social media; personalization of politics; newspapers; media personalization

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Date of publication: 2024-05-21 12:28:58
Date of submission: 2023-12-14 20:07:23


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