Human rights as prerequisites of moral freedom. An ontological analysis of political freedom

Alicja Pietras


The paper is an attempt at ontological analysis of the notion of political freedom taking account of studies and perceptions of moral and political, negative and positive liberties in  the history of philosophy.  Reference is  made in particular to Isaiah Berlin’s  distinction   between  positive and negative political freedom, Hannah Arendt’s historical analysis of the differentiations between the notion of political liberty and free will (moral freedom), and Nicolai Hartmann's criticism of Kant’s perception of liberty as positive freedom and his analyses of moral freedom seen as a phenomenon of man’s spiritual life. On the ground of these analyses the author substantiates  the thesis  that  first generation  human rights constitute the basic prerequisites of man’s moral freedom.


freedom; negative freedom; positive freedom; moral freedom; political freedom; liberty; human rights; Isaiah Berlin; Hannah Arendt; Nicolai Hartmann

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Date of publication: 2020-02-14 19:50:37
Date of submission: 2019-10-25 19:26:12


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