Alien or Just Different – Several Ethical Aspects of Dehumanisation

Dawid Wincław


The paper attempts to answer the question as to whether the specific way of perceiving “the Other”, as examined and described by social psychology, has its own philosophical equivalent in the science of morality and if it is therefore possible to pass from psychological to ethical reflection. The author also considers the specific character of three kinds of relationship: “I – thou”, “we – others”, and “own people – strangers”. In determining the differences and similarities between philosophical and psychological reflection, the dehumanisation division was used as a reference point, as proposed by the Italian researcher Chiara Volpato, due to the particular forms which it can take. As a result of detailed analysis, the author comes to the conclusion that certain remedies for the categorical and essentialising character of dehumanisation could be a turn towards the “I – thou” relationship, well described by the philosophy of dialogue. This, in turn, could contribute to the prevention of harmful social antagonisms and allow one to notice that “the Other” is not a hostile and threatening individual, but rather an equal partner in a dialogical relationship.


dehumanisation; the Other; stranger; essence; infrahumanisation; dialogue; antagonizm

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Date of publication: 2017-01-30 03:21:15
Date of submission: 2016-04-26 22:38:06


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