Nelson Goodman’s Concept of ‘Worldmaking’ – a Critical Analysis

Miłosz Kudela


The concept of ‘worldmaking’ was conceived by Nelson Goodman as an idea opposed to realism and metaphysical idealism. The concept turned into a manifesto of radical epistemological anti-realism defined by the author as “irrealism”. Highlighted against its background is the constitutive function of conceptual models and that not just for the purpose of interpreting but outright constitution of experimental data. Reviewing the historic and theoretical background of the ‘worldmaking’ concept, the author portrays Goodman’s idea as a continuation of post-Kantian considerations in the context of the conflict between realism and metaphysical idealism. Presented in the article are the main theses of the “worldmaking” concept, notably mediated cognition in language and epitomical notion of truth. Based on an analysis of  the respective aspects of  that doctrine, reviewed  are some of the aporia arising from attempts at  subjectivation and relativisation of cognition, acknowledging  in the end  the existence of  transcendental emulation of the  subject or  admitting the  reality of the object of cognition


Nelson Goodman; ‘worldmaking’; epistemological anti-realism; irrealism; conceptual scheme

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Date of publication: 2016-06-16 20:34:19
Date of submission: 2016-01-26 16:37:44


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