Septimius Sever’s External Wars in the Perspective of Cassius Dio and Herodianus

Daniel Zioła


Roman emperor L. Septimius Severus was involved in many conflicts with Roman’s Empire neighboring states. Few of them are known from literary sources – mainly from Roman history written by Cassius Dio and History of the Roman Empire written by Herodianus. First of them was living in the times of Severus and described events as theirs witness. As a member of emperor’s council he had the possibility to get to know how the decisions were undertaken. Herodianus was living a little later and all events described from available to him sources. Both of this authors described events close to their times and both of them had expressed their opinions about wars against external enemies conducted by Septimius Severus. The purpose of that article is to present views and opinions of those two ancient authors. What is more, the sources of their opinions will be traced in order to check, the plausibility of their relations.


Cassius Dio; Herodianus; L. Septimuius Sever; External wars

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Date of publication: 2017-01-30 03:21:13
Date of submission: 2015-12-27 19:03:52


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