“Negative” and “Positive” Conceptions of Creativity: “Ontological Measures” and Intentionality

Ganna Biłyk


Approaches to the understanding of creativity are divided in relation to the “ontological measure”. Accordingly, the positive approach involves the addition of a new Being to the world through creativity; the negative approach involves the subtraction of the Being from one of the components of the creative process, for the possibility of creativity. It is possible to allocate “the direction” of creativity, in relation to the addition or subtraction through the study of “creator – creation” relations in every conception of creativity. For example, negative creativity is possible only through subtraction of the Being from the position “creator”. The conceptions of Berdyaev and Blanchot are chosen as representative approaches. In addition, the researcher notes that there are more complicated approaches to the understanding of creativity, for example, “neutral” or transformative ones, which are based on the transformation of the existing Being in the world. The anthropological aspect of creativity is revealed through the notion of intentionality. This concept shows equal opportunities of different approaches and concepts in the field of practice of creativity.


creativity; “negative” approach; “positive” approach; intentionality

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/kw.2014.11.107
Date of publication: 2015-04-20 21:47:33
Date of submission: 2015-04-20 17:21:09


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