Mystical Philosophy, or rather Philosophical Mysticism? Anthropological Conditions of Mysticism and Philosophy of Karol Wojtyła

Kazimierz Rynkiewicz


As individual fields of research, philosophy and mysticism penetrate deep each other and affect each other throughout. This is especially seen in the thought of Karol Wojtyła, the future Pope John Paul II. Therefore, the question arises: are we dealing here with mystical philosophy or philosophical mysticism? The aim of this paper is not to provide an extensive analysis of the relation between mysticism and philosophy, but to name a few basic elements which have a mystical and a philosophical character and are required for the proper understanding of philosophy of Wojtyła. What the present paper is concerned with is the following: the experience, metaphysics and a person. In this context, there arises a question about the efficiency of the integration factor that permeates the areas of mysticism and philosophy.


mysticism; philosophy; experience; integration

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Date of publication: 2015-04-20 21:47:30
Date of submission: 2015-04-20 15:54:45


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