Dissolution and Changes for a New Model of Humanity

Emilio Sierra Garcia



The axiological key to the world today is a result of a dissolution of the Nietzschean version of life and man, and of the Marxist perspective on the world, society, and history. In theory, the man of the twenty-first century would like to believe himself to be the heir to the spirit of the Enlightenment with its equality, fraternity, and freedom. In practice, the human being of our time is immersed in the tyranny of technology, the mastery of consumption and the investment of communication networks as anesthetizers of critical thinking. Drawing on Heidegger’s analysis, Byung-Chul Han and Günther Anders will consider the utopia of social change and different approaches to it. Is change possible? Does it arise from society or from man? Does change necessarily entail progress? Millennials, new family models, media authority, fast food, romance websites speak of a transmutation in terms of the values of the human that deserve to be probed in depth to see what truth they expose about the human being, the world, and history.


Nietzsche; Marx; human being; critical thinking

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/kw.2021.32.79-95
Date of publication: 2022-04-17 23:41:55
Date of submission: 2021-12-13 16:11:54


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