Medical Knowledge as a Subject of Research in Medical Sociology and Sociology of Knowledge

Michał Nowakowski


For a long time medical knowledge had not been a research subject for the sociologists of medicine. This fact stemmed from their belief that medicine as a natural science deals with facts of nature, which are not subject to the thesis of the social determination of knowledge. The article aims to demonstrate how changes within the sociology of knowledge, namely the creation of the “strong program of sociology of knowledge,” and social constructionism, enabled the formation of a critical sociology of medicine. The new discipline acknowledged the institution of medicine and medical knowledge, based mainly on the so called biomedical model, as a legitimate area of sociological studies.


sociology of knowledge; sociology of medicine; medical knowledge; medicalization

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Date of publication: 2020-11-16 21:41:23
Date of submission: 2020-11-16 21:26:03


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