Gender Equality Policy from the Perspective of The Welfare State Regimes. Polish and Swedish Examples

Ewelina Pyzik


The aim of this article is justification for the argument that the prevailing welfare state regime has an impact on the implementation of gender equality policy. It has been based on a review of available scientific literature and statistical data. The first part of the article presents the welfare state regimes according to Esping-Andersen, as well as changes in defining the differences between the various regimes that have occurred as a result of feminist research. The second part is a brief characteristic of gender equality policies implemented in Sweden and Poland. The author attempts to show how the ruling welfare state regime could contribute to the existing gender inequality. The author believes that effective gender equality policy is required to build a knowledge-based society.


welfare state regime; gender equality policy; gender inequality

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Date of publication: 2020-11-16 17:54:42
Date of submission: 2020-11-15 22:53:06


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