Ante bellum: Historical conditionings of disintegration processes in the territory of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and its success or states after the Cold War

Konrad Pawłowski


Abstract: The article presents broad historical conditionings of the disintegration processes that occurred after the end of the Cold War in the territory of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. It argues that in the last decade of the 20th century Yugoslav nations initialized a ‘return to history’, visible in their efforts to ‘reverse’ unfavorable historical processes, complete ‘unfinished’ state-building processes and unify the territories inhabited today or in the past by given ethnic groups. It indicates the centuries-old rule of the Ottoman Turkey in the Balkans, unresolved territorial disputes, the periods of open, armed confrontation between Balkan people, negative experiences of mutual relations and common statehood as well as a recurring policy of external interventionism and paternalism in 19th and 20th century. It claims that a complicated history of the Balkan region was not the main reason for the disintegration of SFRY, but it nevertheless contributed significantly to the breakup of the Yugoslav federation and the outbreak of armed conflicts in the 90s. It concludes that the ‘unfinished history’ continues to contribute to the political disintegration and instability of the Balkans, as well as to a serious dysfunctionality of some of the post-Yugoslav states.


History of the Balkans, disintegration of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, national- forming and state-building processes in the Balkans, external interventions in the Balkan region

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Date of publication: 2018-06-15 10:33:37
Date of submission: 2016-09-20 10:41:46


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