Hard Power Versus Soft Power – a Change of US Foreign Policy from Offensive to Defensive under the Leader ship of Barack Obama

Ewelina Waśko-Owsiejczuk


Abstract: The presidential election campaign in 2008 was dominated by two issues – foreign policy and the growing budget deficit. Barack Obama’s announcement of a complete reversal of the aggressive policy of his predecessor proved to be an effective tactic, allowing him to win the presidential election. From this point on, instead of military force, the superpower was to use dialogue and diplomacy. Renewal of the US image in the world required from Obama the ending of foreign policy based on hard power, preventive and unilateral action, in favor of close cooperation with other participants in international relations.


security, foreign policy, United States of America, Barack Obama, George W. Bush

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/k.2017.24.2.29
Date of publication: 2018-06-15 10:33:36
Date of submission: 2016-04-17 06:18:36


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