Formal and Legal Dimension of Critical Infrastructure at Polish and European Level

Wojciech Ziętara


After the russian Federation began its aggression against Ukraine in 2022, the Ukrainian critical infrastructure system was attacked with the aim of its complete or partial destruction. In response to these attacks, the Ukrainian authorities announced the reconstruction of the infrastructure protection
system based on eU legal solutions. therefore, the article discusses the issues of critical infrastructure, both at the european and Polish level. the provisions of 2007 are in force in the Polish legal system, and the
2008 directive – in the european legal system. however, legal provisions were amended in 2022 and will be implemented into national legal systems in 2024. the aim of the article was to analyze the content of the
provisions of legal acts in the field of critical infrastructure in Poland and the eU. the analysis is accompanied by research questions regarding how to define basic concepts and terms in both legal systems and the mutual relations of both systems. the article refers to the document examination method that allows for the analysis of legal acts and comparative analysis. eU Member States have gained a superior position over european bodies, but growing natural and anthropological threats and the process of deepening european political integration have resulted in a gradual change in the way of thinking about critical infrastructure. the position of EU bodies under 2022 directive has been significantly strengthened vis-à-vis member states.


Poland, european Union, security, critical infrastructure, critical infrastructure systems

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Date of publication: 2024-02-20 11:26:59
Date of submission: 2023-09-20 18:03:35


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