Between “information” and “entertainment”: framing the Polish EU presidency in Romanian media

Valentina Marinescu, Madalina Balasescu


This study examined whether Romanian media’s framing of Poland’s EU presidency (June 2011–June 2012) represents informative journalism or we can talk about a  sensationalist coverage of the issue. The difference is important especially within the context of the general approach of the Romanian press to the relevant “external” topics, knowing that the Romanian media are, mainly, focused on the internal issues.
Drawing on “framing theory”, the study investigated the main actors involved, the issues covered in relation to Poland presidency and their salient attributes in the script structure of each article. The results indicated that informative elements were both in newspapers and in on‑line materials covering the Poland’s
EU presidency. At the same time, the Polish European presidency was not covered in an episodic manner by Romanian media‑either
on‑line or newspapers, the preference for contextual framing being obvious in Romanian media.


framing; script structure; framing theory; Poland’s EU presidency; mass media

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Date of publication: 2013-03-05 00:00:00
Date of submission: 2015-07-18 06:09:46


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