The Philosophy of Baruch Spinoza’s Freedom in the Context of a Compatibilistic Interpretation

Krzysztof Rojek


The article attempts to show the relationship of the philosophical idea of freedom in the philosophy of Baruch Spinoza in the context of the currently developed idea of compatibilism and selected arguments used by compatibilists and libertarian understanding of free will. The purpose of the article was to show the possibility of interpretation of Spinoza’s philosophy of freedom from the perspective of compatibilism and to indicate the reasons, why such a comparison will remain debatable. The problem analysis presented in the text is also supposed to prompt us to consider, whether in the ongoing renaissance involving the problem of the existence of free will in the context of determinism there is still place for classical attempts to solve the problem, which undoubtedly is the pantheistic philosophy of Spinoza.


Spinoza; freedom; compatibilism; pantheism; free will

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Date of publication: 2019-06-10 13:32:32
Date of submission: 2019-01-06 20:40:04


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