Limits of the Term “Personal Brand”

Agnieszka Walczak-Skałecka


Personal brand as a relatively new term still has not been fully analyzed in the scientific literature. Guidebooks, however, introduce many inconsistent definitions and models. The article is an attempt to define the limits of the term “personal brand” (including the monetization of the personal brand) and its main components (brand is more than image and promotion) and the conditions for the perception of self and other individuals in the personal brand category (initial capital). Unlike the most commonly discussed aspects in the scientific literature – that is, the image of a personal brand in social media, the work includes a multidisciplinary approach to the subject.


personal brand; personal branding models; personal brand communication; personal brand value; personal brand capital; personal brand monetization

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Date of publication: 2018-11-20 14:05:28
Date of submission: 2018-10-17 12:24:16


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