Comparative Analysis of the Identity and Practices of Post-war Representatives and the Contemporary Wave of Ukrainian Immigrants in the United States

Olha Rovenchak, Viktoriya Volodko


The article discusses specific national, ethnic and cultural attributes of Ukrainian immigrants in the USA. This is an interview-based study of Ukrainians experiencing living in the USA and representing the two waves of Ukrainian immigration in the USA in the 20th century: the post-WWII wave and the contemporary wave, which reveals similarities and differences of their identities and corresponding practices. Applying methods of discourse and comparative analysis, the study shows that similarities prevail on the levels of ethnic and national identities and practices of US Ukrainian immigrants, whereas significant controversy is found on their cultural and language levels.


Ukrainian immigrants in the USA; identity; practice; cultural; ethnic; language; national

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Date of publication: 2018-11-20 14:05:16
Date of submission: 2018-02-05 13:02:33


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