Dialogue-forming Function of Clash of Cultures. The Case of Poles' Contact with Sovietness on the Eastern Polish Territories 1939–1941

Artur Wysocki


The article discusses the relationship between the phenomena clash of cultures and dialogue of cultures. The paper presents the basic theoretical findings on the issue of clash of cultures in the social sciences, and pointed out some examples of the importance of research on the collision of cultures. Also it emphasized tolerance and dialogue aspects of the clash of cultures, which served to discuss the presence of the discussed issues on the basis of communication and intercultural education and in circulation outside the scientific community. Attention was also drawn to the results of clash of cultures, implying a relationship with the dialogue of cultures. Complement argument is the presentation of a concrete example clash of culture – Polishness with Sovietness in 1939–1941 in the eastern territories of the Second Polish Republic, and the like were present in the elements providing for a possible dialogue.


clash of cultures; dialogue of cultures; Polishness; Sovietness

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/i.2016.41.2.7
Date of publication: 2017-07-28 10:56:01
Date of submission: 2016-06-18 20:52:59


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