The Innovativeness of Individual Farms in the Łódź Region

Marta Baraniak, Dorota Starzyńska


The aim of this paper is to characterise the innovativeness of individual farms in the Łódź region. Based on a domestic and foreign literature study, the most frequently used variables connected with farms (namely, the type of agricultural activity, economic size and VAT settlement system) were selected. The analysis of selected variables that characterise the innovative activity of the researched entities was carried out using the basic measures of structural analysis and interdependence of phenomena. The analysis was based on the results of questionnaire interviews conducted among 150 individual farms from the Łódź region which keep accounting books under the Polish FADN.


individual farms; FADN; innovation activity

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Date of publication: 2020-04-20 11:40:15
Date of submission: 2019-06-11 09:40:00


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