The Active Customer in Logistics Services

Joanna Alicja Dyczkowska


This article describes the notion of “customer activity” in logistics services as an interaction with providers. We reviewed concepts of customer activity in services offered by logistics service providers (LSPs) in the food sector. We then analysed customer activity in transport, storage and management of services. We used a direct diagnostic survey for comparative analysis of groups of customers. The roles of LSPs in the supply chain and within the framework of cooperation in the business-to-business market are presented. Basic customer activities were examined by studying the supply chain, within which LSPs adapted their processes to the activities of their customers. The research results present the degree of customer activity in supply chains.

Theoretical background: Customer activity in logistics services is mainly understood as part of interaction with providers. This study goes beyond this view by focusing on the independent activity of the customer in solutions related to transport, storage and the management of logistics services.

Purpose of the article: The purpose of the article was to review concepts of customer activity in services offered by LSPs in food-sector supply chains; customer activity was characterised and applied in exploratory research.

Research methods: A literature review, comparison of groups of customers, and a direct diagnostic survey method were all used.

Main findings: The perspective of customer activity predominating among customers allows LSPs to pursue different activities on behalf of different groups of customers. This article contributes to research on logistics services while focusing on the concept of customer activity.


customer activity; logistics service; management of logistics services

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Date of publication: 2019-12-31 08:37:17
Date of submission: 2019-01-29 20:26:51


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