Symbols of the city of Lublin in the perception of its inhabitants in the light of quantitative and qualitative research

Krzysztof Raganowicz, Olga Smalej


The symbol of the city is a primary element shaping the image planned in the marketing strategy, and it is also a natural basis for building the city's brand. The article aims to identify the symbols of the city of Lublin in the perception of its inhabitants. Symbols of Lublin were studied using quantitative research - in the form of a PAPI survey - and qualitative research - with the use of Focus Group Interviews. Particular attention was paid to two age groups: the youngest adult residents of the city and the seniors. Moreover, a comparison was made of free associations connected with the city between groups. As a result of the research, symbols of Lublin were identified: the goat from the Lublin coat of arms, the Lublin Castle and the Old Town. Significant differences between the analysed age groups were also observed. Associations of older people oscillated around the history, tradition, and architecture of Lublin, while younger people focused on elements related to their everyday life.


symbol; place branding; Lublin; survey; FGI

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Date of publication: 2019-05-10 10:46:39
Date of submission: 2018-09-20 18:42:56


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