Conditions of Foreign Expansion of Polish SMEs

Aurelia Bielawska


The article shows that the share of Polish SMEs in export is lower than the number of enterprises in the Polish economy and the number of people working in SME. This situation is a result of the influence of many factors – both endogenous and exogenous – mainly due to the lack of export policy in Poland. The effect of international research and comparisons is to check the research hypothesis. The main objective of article is to formulate recommendations based on international research and comparisons which may contribute to an increase of the importance of Polish SMEs as exporters. The paper was written on the basis of the literature studies in the field of internationalization of enterprises and statistical data illustrating the SME sector in Poland and selected EU countries.


small and medium enterprises; export

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Date of publication: 2018-02-27 16:37:53
Date of submission: 2017-07-16 16:31:46


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