The Most Advantageous Offer and the Estimated Value of the Public Contract and “the Extremely Low Price” in the System of Public Procurement

Wacława Starzyńska


Public procurement are an important tool of public expenditures. Necessity of applying the rules of the often modified Public procurement law caused that during the tendering processes doubts of interpretation nature of relation: public procurement entity – suppliers may produce some conflicts. The aim of the paper is to analyze the Public procurement law regulations and some of verdicts of National Appeals Chamber in the area of “the extremely low price” proposed by contractors in relationship with prices offered by others suppliers and the value of public contract assessed by public entity in the public procurement procedure. Presented examples of National Appeals Chamber verdicts prove that the public procurement managers and contractors of public contract have not to forget about market price mechanisms.


the most advantageous offer; the lowest price bidder; “the extremely low price”; bid protest forum

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