Determinants of the use of computer games in the teaching process

Oskar Szumski, Witold Stefan Chmielarz


The major goal of this article is to analyse the behaviour of e-gamers and their opinion regarding possibility to use computer games in didactic process at the university or other higher education institutions. The research was done randomly in an academic environment, using questionnaires, distributed via the Internet. This article is to continue the set of articles dedicated to the analysis of e-gamers profile and environment that he/she belongs to. The current research is focused on behavioural patterns of e-gamers and possibility to use computer games to support didactic process at universities. After gathering results of questionnaires, the authors discussed those results and accompanied conclusions.



compute games; e-gamers; e-gamers' behaviour; didactic process

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Date of publication: 2017-11-19 20:59:28
Date of submission: 2017-05-09 21:14:06


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