Enterprises Innovative Activity Financing Using Public Funds in Terms of the Horizon 2020 Program

Bożena Ciupek


The development of enterprises based only on price competition does not guarantee success. In terms of globalized economy, at the time of serious economic challenges that have global character, the innovative activity has been becoming the essential source of enterprises growth and competitiveness. Having in mind the specific of the innovative activity, the enterprises expect supporting this activity as well as undertaking pro-innovative activities from governments in order to facilitate innovation introduction and European funds absorbing. In consequence, the aim of the paper is to present current innovative activity of Polish enterprises as well as to justify the necessity of supporting this activity using public sources, especially with taking into account possibilities and current use of sources coming from the Horizon 2020 program. This aim is achieved both by conducting theoretical considerations in terms of statistical data covering the problems of Polish enterprises innovation financing as well as by indicating the possibilities in terms of resolving these problems using the sources from the Horizon 2020 program.


enterprise; innovation; public funds; Horizon 2020

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Date of publication: 2017-12-08 15:26:31
Date of submission: 2017-04-24 20:22:16


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