Virtualization of Behaviours of Young Consumers

Izabela Sowa


More and more frequent manifestation of virtualization of youth behaviors is satisfying needs by the Internet available through the mobile phone. The purpose of this article is characterization of young consumers’ behaviors connected with using the Internet in such a way as well as carrying out their typology. The conducted analysis allowed for creation of consumers’ typology for which k-means method was used. There were identifid 4 consumers’ categories: “Sociables”, “Intense users”, “Reserved” and “Non-users of the Internet”. The basis for achieving mentioned aims are outcomes of the poll conducted in the 2013/2014 school year among youths aged 14–19.


consumers’ behaviours; young consumers; consumers’ typology; virtualization; mobile phones

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Date of publication: 2017-08-16 10:52:28
Date of submission: 2017-03-14 19:15:56


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