Macroeconomic Effects of the Euro Introduction in Selected EU Member States

Bogdan Włodarczyk


Joining the EU and then the Economic and Monetary Union, the member states, including Poland, committed themselves to accept the euro. Replacing the national currency with the euro is a big challenge for a given economy and it is a process which requires economic and legal convergence. In practice, in the era of global financial and economic crises the question if and when to accept the euro is still valid and requires a comprehensive analysis. The article constitutes an attempt to analyze the basic macroeconomic indicators in the national economies of the countries which in the years 2004–2015 accepted the euro in order to verify the thesis of some measurable benefits resulting from introducing the community currency. The basic result of the monetary integration is accelerating the convergence and limiting the influence of the crisis shocks. However, unsuitable moment of the euro introduction may result in worsening the economic situation of a new member state of the Eurozone.


euro; macroeconomic indicators; economic convergence

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Date of publication: 2017-02-20 17:31:15
Date of submission: 2016-05-25 16:02:19


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