Regulations and Compliance on the Markets of New Technologies

Włodzimierz Szpringer


The aim of the study is to underline the importance of regulation – in the context of compliance – as a strategic tool and an element of the new strategic thinking. The concept of compliance is treated as an essential element of the proper functioning of the company. Compliance has to ensure the company’s structure, which will also ensure that its operations will not infringe the law. The compliance function allows not only to optimize risk management, but also enables increasing the organizational culture of the company and is a factor that strengthens the competitiveness of the company. Compliance issues are subjected to scientific analysis and consultancy sector offers services with its implementation, as well as certification of the CMS. These phenomena are examined on the example of the market for new technologies and intellectual property rights on the Internet in reference to the achievements of economic analysis of law and the regulatory impact assessment.


regulation; compliance; law and economics; impact assessment; new technology; intellectual property rights

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Date of publication: 2016-06-02 17:58:05
Date of submission: 2016-03-11 12:44:39


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