Use of Open Data Sets and Business Intelligence Systems in Local Government. The Case of JST Finance Application

Łukasz Wiechetek, Marek Mędrek


The article aims to show the possibilities arising from the use of open data and free software tools for analyzing finances of local governments. First part of the publication presents the characteristics of open data, their sources, stakeholders, as well as arguments for open data sharing. Next, authors describe some examples of IT tools based on Polish open data sets and present the process of creating an open data repository, using the example of collecting financial reports from local government by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Poland. The main part of this work is the presentation of an idea of using open data published by the Polish Ministry of Finance for analytical purposes, as well as its implementation in the form of benchmarking application supporting processes of planning, management and evaluation of local government budgets.


open government; open data; public finances; business intelligence; free software; benchmarking

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Date of publication: 2016-06-02 17:58:05
Date of submission: 2015-09-29 14:13:29


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