Harmonisation of Corporate Income Taxes of Enterprises Functioning on the Single European Market

Bożena Ciupek, Jan Kaczmarzyk, Piotr Kania


Taxes harmonization in European Union is highly related to the concept of single European market, especially to entrepreneurship freedom, the realisation of which is under influence of corporate tax harmonisation problem. The aim of the paper is to present and assess the activities undertaken in order to harmonise corporate income taxes in terms of single European market principles. The deliberations presented indicate that harmonisation of corporate income taxes on single European market is not only reasonable but inevitable as well. However, one has to realise that this process is to be long-term and accomplished through negative as well as positive harmonisation processes. On the other hand, the current challenge is the consensus in terms of CCCTB concept. 


single European market; income tax; direct taxes harmonisation

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/h.2016.50.1.431
Date of publication: 2016-04-03 14:40:29
Date of submission: 2015-07-31 17:09:54


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