Ecological Innovations as a Chance for the Development of Innovativeness of Enterprises in Poland

Małgorzata Golińska-Pieszyńska, Bartłomiej Marcin Kazubski


Theoretical background: Creating eco-innovations requires non-standard, pro-ecological activities and creating relationships with the environment. The article deals with the issue of creating and developing ecological innovations in the aspect of the helix model, analyzing inter organizational cooperation.

Purpose of the article: The purpose of this article is to present inter-organizational cooperation for the creation and development of ecological innovations in the perspective of increasing the innovativeness of enterprises.

Research methods: Initial survey entitled “Partnership of Science and Business”, conducted in 2017 among Łódź enterprises cooperating with the technical university). Another survey was conducted in 2019, using the CATI technique, by DSC Research Group, among all Łódź enterprises, in Łódź science institutions and public benefit organizations.

Main findings: The conclusion indicates that the ecological perspective increases the awareness of mutual inter-organizational relations in the formula of a multidimensional helix model, which may contribute to the increase in innovativeness of Polish enterprises. The obtained research results will be used to continue research on improving inter organizational cooperation in creating ecological innovations in the perspective of increasing the innovativeness of enterprises and they are the current application shot for business.


ecological innovations; inter-organizational cooperation; multidimensional helix model

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Date of publication: 2024-04-06 14:54:06
Date of submission: 2023-08-23 11:29:59


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