Stock as a  method of payment in acquisition. Case study

Anna Wawryszczuk-Misztal


The article presents payment methods used in mergers and acquisitions. The method of payment in acquisition is an important factor affecting synergetic benefits for the shareholders of target and bidder firms. In the case of stock –financed acquisitions, contrary to cash-financed, the shareholders of the target are at great risk as synergistic effects may never occur. In this context, the case study of Emperia and Eurocash is presented. The article attempts to assess the benefits for the Emperia shareholders in stock-financed acquisition. As the transaction was not conducted, it is difficult to state whether stock offer was profitable for Emperia shareholders.


;mergers and acquisitions; method of payment; synergistic benefits

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Date of publication: 2015-07-23 22:18:26
Date of submission: 2015-07-23 12:53:51


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