The determinants of mobile payments’ development in Poland and in the World

Monika Klimontowicz


Over the last two decades the retail payment market has changed remarkably and now it is growing very fast. The move towards mobile payments is a  global tendency. New technologies give an opportunity to increase mobile payments’ efficiency, safety and decrease their costs.
Consumers have eagerly adopted mobile devices which serve them as a  tools of communication, sources of entertainment, navigation tools and payment methods.
The large market potential of mobile payments has been noticed by banks, merchants, service providers and GSM operators. Significant barrier of mobile payments’ development is lack of their standardization. Despite of that the number and volume of mobile payments’ transactions are increasing very fast. This proves its large potential of development.


mobile payment; m-payments; NFC payments

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Date of publication: 2015-07-23 22:18:17
Date of submission: 2015-07-22 00:23:16


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