Investment Activity and Technological Opportunities for Human Capital Development. The Case of the “Pszukaj” Application for Ukrainian Refugees in Poland

Nina Stepanok, Patryk Tomasz Kaczmarek, Analoliy M. Kholodenko


Theoretical background: Human capital is one of the key factors in the development of entrepreneurship, production and services. The goal of each enterprise is to make a profit, the realization of which requires investment. When developing investment projects, it is crucial to choose the most promising ones, at the same time, it is necessary to take into account the existence of “bottlenecks”, and investment activity should be directed to liquidate them. So, the optimal values of the enterprises’ investments in the situation of sufficient and insufficient levels of human capital are found and the factors influencing them are analyzed. The study of the issue of human capital today cannot bypass the question of refugees. As a result of the war in Ukraine, a large wave of migration processes is taking place in Poland, and, therefore, there is a problem and need for adaptation of people fleeing from the war. The social problem that arose due to the large number of refugees in Poland requires a comprehensive solution that would aim not only to help the refugees, but also the Polish economy. The best possible solution to the problem of refugees, both for themselves and for the host countries, is to involve them in an egalitarian society and equal economic life. The study highlights the possibility of using technical capabilities for the development of human capital on the example of a mobile application “Pszukaj” developed by the authors.

Purpose of the article: The aim of this paper is to build and analyze optimization models of investments in the field of production of goods and provision of services and in the development of human capitalin the situation of sufficient and insufficient levels of human capital development. The practical research question of this study is to consider the case of the “Pszukaj” mobile application as a communication tool for refugees wishing to function independently in Polish society.

Research methods: The role of human capital in the enterprises’ activities will be evaluated based on constructed investment optimization models. The importance of technological opportunities for human capital development will be evaluated based on the case of the “Pszukaj” mobile application.

Main findings: This study contributes to the existing research by offering the analysis of constructed investment optimization models in situation of sufficient and insufficient levels of human capital. The dependence of the optimal values of investments in the development of the sphere of production of goods and provision of services and in human capital on both efficiency indicators of investments in the corresponding directions is shown and analyzed. From the practical perspective, the value of technological opportunities for human capital on the example of "Pszukaj" is shown.


human capital; investment optimization model; optimal value of investments; mobile application; refugee

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Date of publication: 2023-06-27 19:34:47
Date of submission: 2022-11-18 17:08:47


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