Evaluation of the Functioning of Start-Ups in the Lublin Voivodeship

Patrycja Marzec-Braun


Theoretical background: Due to dynamic civilization, technological, economic and social changes, modern entrepreneurs focus on creating innovative solutions with a high risk of failure. They adjust the specifics of their activities and the way of managing them to the market needs. As a result, entrepreneurs choose modern business models, focusing on a creative approach to their business. Operating in a turbulent environment, they flexibly adapt to the prevailing situation, while focusing on cooperation and sharing knowledge, creating start-up organizations. Purpose of the article: The aim of the publication is to identify the characteristics of start-ups operating in the Lublin Voivodeship based on the following criteria: gender, age, education and experience of the founder in running a start-up, period of functioning on the market and size of the start-up, stage of its development, industry and market in which it generates income and attitude to innovation. Research methods: The publication is based on research conducted in 2020–2021 for the doctoral dissertation. The sample for research was purposefully selected. The survey questionnaire was anonymous, it consisted of open and closed questions as well as a record, it was sent to respondents via the Internet. It was addressed to 350 start-ups from the Lublin Voivodeship, 97 of which were obtained from correctly completed questionnaires. Main findings: The founders of start ups in the Lublin region are mainly young men with higher education who have no experience in running a start-up. The surveyed start-ups create a flexible organizational structure, employ a small number of employees, operate on the market for a short time, are at an early stage of development, focus on the regional and national market, constantly introducing innovations. Start ups in the Lublin region should move towards more modern solutions and focus on expansion into foreign markets. On the other hand, the founders of start-ups in the Lublin region should compensate for the lack of experience by engaging in numerous initiatives developing entrepreneurial attitudes. Entrepreneurs in the Lublin region should also constantly monitor the situation on the market (analyze opportunities and threats) by creating innovative solutions tailored to customer needs and enabling an increase in the level of social welfare.


start-ups; start-up founders; entrepreneurship; early stage companies

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/h.2023.57.3.177-191
Date of publication: 2023-12-11 07:08:25
Date of submission: 2022-11-17 19:08:25


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