Designing the Competitive Intelligence Model for Organization

Kamila Bartuś


Theoretical background: These studies are motivated by three reasons: (1) the Competitive Intelligence (CI) approach is a critical factor in increasing the organization’s ability to monitor and strengthen competitive advantage; (2) too little research has been done on the use of new management theories in the CI approach and (3) there is no research devoted to computer-assisted CI.

Purpose of the article: This study proposes a comprehensive framework for extending the CI’s potential in the organization’s activities and its computer-assisted support. The purpose of this article is to develop a new CI construction theory and propose a holistic, conceptual CI model, as well as carry out its initial verification.

Research methods: The comprehensive CI model is based on the following theories: (1) Resource-Based View (RBV), Industrial Organization (IO) and Business Model Canvas, which were used for CI design, (2) theories for measuring and validating CI implementation, i.e.: Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM), Industrial Critical Success Factors (ICSF) and (3) theories for integrated computer-assisted CI. The validation of the proposed comprehensive CI model was based on data on the opinions of SUV class users.

Main findings: The results obtained during the validation of the CI model show great importance for a comprehensive look at the topic of computer-assisted CI. This contribution is significant because in the literature there are no such studies and conclusions obtained from them. The results obtained and conclusions should be useful for all organizations that need to analyze competitiveness using a comprehensive CI model.


competitive intelligence; industrial organization; resource-based view; business model canvas; competitive profile matrix and industrial critical success factors; models of competitive intelligence

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