Social Responsibility in the Area of Labour Practices in the Context of Employer Branding

Urszula Gołaszewska-Kaczan


Theoretical background: In an environment of ever-increasing competition, companies are looking for proven ways to gain competitive advantage. This translates into an increased interest in goodwill and the factors that allow its value to be raised. Goodwill is the differentiating ability of a company, compared to others or an average company, to make a profit. One of the factors that can build goodwill is the company’s image as an employer. Therefore, it is very important for companies to undertake employer branding activities. Employer branding is company’s activities aimed at achieving a positive image and becoming the so-called employer of choice. Among these activities, the company’s implementation of the concept of corporate social responsibility has an important place. Certainly, a company’s activity in any CSR area translates into the way the company is perceived by employees, but activities in the area of employee practices are of primary importance. Enterprises can take a wide variety of measures in relation to employees, tailored to their specific characteristics, capabilities and competencies, as well as the needs reported by employees.

Purpose of the article: The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the concept of employer branding and then present one of the areas of CSR – the area of employee practices – and show how activities in this area can help build an employer brand. Another goal is to assess the level of activity of Polish companies in this CSR area.

Research methods: To achieve such goals, the method of analysis of the literature on the subject and reports on the issue in question was used.

Main findings: Based on the considerations, it can be concluded that employee practice activities are an important instrument in employer branding. The survey also showed that these activities are popular among Polish companies. It can also be predicted that interest in these practices will continue to grow, primarily due to the demographic situation in the labour market and the increasing difficulty in attracting good employees.


goodwill; employer branding; corporate social responsibility; labour practices

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Date of publication: 2023-04-19 10:27:35
Date of submission: 2022-10-02 20:50:01


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