Corporate Social Responsibility in Poland during the COVID-19 Pandemic and UN Sustainable Development Goals

Ewa Jastrzębska


Theoretical background: In 2015, the UN announced 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which set global lines for action by 2030. It is quite common to believe that the COVID-19 pandemic will negatively affect the implementation of SDGs. Business is both a partner and a recipient of SDGs and without its involvement achievement of sustainable development is not possible. In addition to the studies on business activity in the pandemic era, initiatives collecting good business practices have begun to emerge. One of them is the action called #BiznesReagujeOdpowiedzialnie of Responsible Business Forum.

Purpose of the article: An attempt to assess Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) business leaders’ actions in Poland undertaken in response to socio-economic consequences of COVID-19 pandemic, made from the point of view of the concept of corporate social responsibility and the UN SDGs.

Research methods: A critical analysis of literature on this subject and web research.

Main findings: Actions of Responsible Business Forum’s strategic business partners are primarily an ad-hoc and direct response to the pandemic, focused on the groups most affected. While some actions will certainly have positive long-term effects, it is currently difficult to assess their long-term netto effect on sustainable development.


sustainable development; UN Sustainable Development Goals; business; good practices; COVID-19 pandemic

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Date of publication: 2021-11-24 12:10:15
Date of submission: 2021-01-08 13:54:22


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