Digitalization along with 5G and 6G Networks – Determinants and Consequences

Elżbieta Skrzypek


Digitalization is a process which enters all areas of human, business, and social activity. It is a significant megatrend in business transformation. It serves as a source of innovation, a tool for value creation, and an infrastructure facilitating access to the Internet. It is a necessity when living in the network society, as it allows for greater flxibility in reacting to the changing environment. Digitalization involves communication, distribution, products, and services. It brings specific benefits to organizations operating in the network society. It is the major source of innovation, as well as the essence of technological development of the industry, therefore, further development of digital business might be expected. 5G and 6G networks are a requisite condition for Polish enterprises to join global production and service networks. Furthermore, these networks create opportunities for development in the field of economy and in the social sphere. The development of digitalization along with 5G and 6G networks raises both hope and concern, hence entailing an urgent need to raise public awareness in this respect as well. The aim of the article is to illustrate the role, importance, determinants, and consequences of digitalization for organizational management in the network society. In the face of a rapidly changing environment full of hazards and uncertainty, digitalization emerges as a way of conducting business, which enables companies to reach a greater number of customers and improve operational efficiency. The article also refers to the determinants and consequences of 5G and 6G networks. The applied research methods include an extensive analysis of the existing literature and inference based on the data available.


digitalization; network society; 5G and 6G networks; information technologies

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Date of publication: 2021-05-11 08:57:02
Date of submission: 2020-11-16 18:14:10


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