Perception of Conditions of Careers of Female Middle Managers

Aleksandra Wilk, Dagmara Lewicka, Paulina Karp-Zawlik, Monika Pec


Theoretical background: Managerial careers for women are conditioned by many factors. These include factors hindering or blocking their achievement of high positions, such as the gender pay gap, gender stereotypes, the need to reconcile parental and professional roles, lack of solidarity with other women, or lower confidence in men. In turn, a high level of education and skills, a characteristic management style and the impact of team diversity on the organization’s results can be treated as factors stimulating their careers.

Purpose of the article: Identification of the perception of middle managers by women, the determinants of their professional careers, taking into account aspects such as the competencies of modern market managers, differences in the style of management of female and male managers, and factors disrupting their career development.

Research methods: Partially structured interviews with female managers were carried out in three medium-sized companies, and documents of these companies were analyzed. Questions were asked about the specifics of the work of female managers. An attempt was made to identify factors disrupting their career development. Attention was paid to women’s attitudes towards gender stereotypes in the context of their managerial roles.

Main findings: Respondents, women in managerial positions, pointed to the inconvenience that hinders their access to holding top positions. Among the interlocutors there was a belief about the differences between the sexes that affect the professional career of women. As factors differentiating the management style due to gender, they indicated greater care for the quality of relationships compared to men. In addition, they are aware of the essence of their roles and have confirmed that they obtain a high level of satisfaction with their work.


middle managers; women managers; conditions careers

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Date of publication: 2020-12-29 19:35:08
Date of submission: 2020-06-28 21:55:07


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