General Reference Clauses – a Theoretial Approach

Leszek Leszczyński


The general reference clause might be defined as part of a norm, reconstructed from the normative text, that empowers the court to refer to the extra-legal criteria during the establishing of the basis for judicial decision. Strong tradition of such construct in European legal orders and their presence in all legal branches, belonging both to the private and public law, creates its universal character. The legislator, forming such clause, indicates a will to open legal argumentation, transfers the establishing of its contents to the judiciary, that tries to connect the clause with the social (moral), political or economic values. The way in that the clauses are implemented, the way their contents is established as well as the kind and scope of impact the clauses play in the process of the application of law, even if strengthen the general role of axiology in the legal interpretation, vary in the context of the type of application processes or, what is crucial for all book, the kind of legal branch in that the general reference clause functions.


general reference clause; legal branches; interpretation and application of law

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Date of publication: 2016-12-21 12:16:46
Date of submission: 2016-03-21 10:59:16


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