The Impact of the Digitization of the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register on the Security of Business Trade

Anna Kanarek-Równicka


The article deals with the issues related to IT solutions implemented in the Polish registration procedure and their importance for economic transactions. The functioning of the IT system (Court Registers Portal) in the registration proceedings regarding the register of entrepreneurs kept by the National Court Register was shown. The introduced technological solutions have improved the registration procedure, although some functional shortcomings of the Court Registers Portal system remain visible and require its improvement. The advantage of digitization of the registration procedure is efficient access to registration files and financial documents of an entity entered in the National Court Register, which is a manifestation of the principle of openness of the registration procedure and improves business transactions. The analysis conducted leads to the conclusion that the implemented solutions constitute the right reform direction, which still requires further clarification.


register of entrepreneurs; business transactions; registration procedure; Court Registers Portal; digitization of the registration procedure

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Date of publication: 2024-01-10 16:43:20
Date of submission: 2023-11-05 08:51:55


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