Risks in the Work of Doctors Pronouncing Death and Future Coroners: A Review of the Current Situation in Poland

Karolina Dębek-Kalinowska, Maciej Kalinowski, Sylwia Mroszczyk


A physician’s work involves exposure to various harmful factors, mainly biological and psychosocial. Their source can be either living or deceased patients. In connection with the upcoming reform of the post-mortem procedure, it becomes important to present the risks affecting doctors involved in the determination of death. The purpose of this paper was to emphasize the psychological burden associated with constant dealing with death, which can reveal itself as a significant problem. The current legal regulations on the determination of death in Poland are contained in acts dating as far back as 1959 and 1961. Therefore, it is expected that the law will be amended to clarify the controversial aspects of the duty to declare death. Although the aspect of exposure to biological agents in the medical profession has been regulated by law, the psychological consequences of exposure, which revolve around post-traumatic stress syndrome and occupational burnout, are not covered by adequate prevention. Various forms of prevention of these phenomena through education and multidirectional self-therapy are currently under consideration. Determining death is an activity that requires not only knowledge but also appropriate emotional training. The dangers of contact with corpses are multifaceted, indicating the need for a thorough analysis of the occupational risks of coroners.


determining death; post-mortem procedure; post-traumatic stress syndrome; occupational burnout; doctor pronouncing death; coroner

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/g.2024.71.2.7-25
Date of publication: 2024-10-04 19:21:03
Date of submission: 2023-06-13 22:04:19


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