Healthism: On Discrimination in Employment on the Basis of the So-called Healthy Lifestyle

Radosław T. Skowron


Activities being part of the so-called healthy lifestyle have been steadily becoming more and more popular in Poland. Staying fit, taking care of weight, attractive appearance, appropriate diet or non-smoking are now very often considered determinants of one’s life and may even be a ground for social stigma. At the same time, employers have realized the importance of relations between employees’ health and their lifestyles on the one side and safety and productivity of the employees on the other, as well as business image of employer’s undertakings. Both these trends cross in employment milieu and they may result in employers defining their job requirements by referrals to healthy lifestyle. The article claims that circumstances pertaining to healthy lifestyle and appearance may constitute valid differentiating criteria in employment relations provided that they are objectively grounded in the nature and manner of employee’s duties and that they rest under employee’s control.


healthism; employment; stigmatization; healthy lifestyle; employer; employee

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Date of publication: 2021-12-28 19:30:08
Date of submission: 2020-11-20 16:13:19


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