French in contrast and in context. Some recent perspectives in contrastive linguistics.

Dominique Willems


Starting from a number of specific case studies, we propose to  illustrate some recent approaches in contrastive linguistics involving French. These studies concern the verb on the one hand, the adverb on the other. The analysis is corpus-based and deals with the pair  French/English. Concerning the verbs, we focus on the visual  perception verbs and the link between perception and cognition  through the verbal complement structure. Our contribution will stress the importanceof the notion of construction and the lexical  specificities of each language under study. As to the adverbs, we will focus on the evolution of adverbs of epistemic modality towards  discursive and pragmatic markers (actually vs. actuellement and in  fact vs. en fait, de fait and au fait). The phenomena in question imply various processes of grammatization and pragmaticalization.


contrastive linguistics; verbs of visual perception; adverb; grammaticalization; pragmaticalization


Les verbes de perception

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Les marqueurs discursifs

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Date of publication: 2018-11-05 11:24:31
Date of submission: 2018-06-28 20:36:55


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