Brain Surgery in the World of Fantasy and Film

Aneta Grodecka


While looking for similarities between science and the humanities, or reality and cultural texts, the author analyzes three epic accounts of brain surgery and their film adaptations: The Island of Dr. Moreau, The Heart of a Dog, and Biohazard. The selection of texts allows her to compare medical reality (described e.g. by Jürgen Thorwald) with the sphere of fantasy, and literary space with the filmic medium. It also enables a reflection on the continuity of culture, where anatomy shows—popular in earlier centuries—first became the subject of paintings, and then emerged as an important cultural topos. Brain surgery created in the manner of fantasy allows the artists to enter the realm of metaphysics, and makes them realize how difficult it is to separate the mental and the physical spheres. In the film adaptation of Biohazard, the artifact of the brain is replaced by effects of metacinematography-cinema begins to express mind in a new way, becoming the medium of contemporary philosophy.


neurosurgery, fantasy, literature, film adaptation, philosophy, anatomy shows.

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Date of publication: 2018-03-05 15:07:05
Date of submission: 2017-01-07 12:49:00


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