A Bad Patch of Agrilogistics: Polysaccharides by Szymon Szwarc

Patryk Szaj


Putting into work the theories of Karen Barad (spacetimemattering) and Timothy Morton (ecognosis), the author of the article investigates the volume Polysaccharides (2020) by Szymon Szwarc. The Polish poet, like Barad, notices the connections and entanglements between various actors of the world (although he uses the language of molecular biology rather than the language of quantum physics). The portrayal of these connections serves him as the basis for a poetic critique of “agrilogistics”, which, according to Morton, has been a perpetual pattern of human activity since the Neolithic Revolution. The author of the article analyzes these issues, especially with regard to the poem Boiler Broad Bean. He comes to the conclusion that Szwarc develops his own consideration regarding agrilogistics, which is close to new materialism.



Szymon Szwarc; new materialism; contemporary Polish poetry; Karen Barad; agrilogistics; spacetimemattering; ecognosis

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/ff.2022.40.1.169-186
Date of publication: 2022-09-29 11:56:11
Date of submission: 2022-04-08 14:09:18


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